From Parts Unknown #14 – Outcast (2014) & Troll 2 (1990)
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Anthony Lewis, Glenn Boisvert, and Aaron De La Ossa review the 2014 Action Film “Outcast” AND the 1990 Horror Film “Troll 2”!!!!
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Anthony Lewis, Glenn Boisvert, and Aaron De La Ossa review the 2014 Action Film “Outcast” AND the 1990 Horror Film “Troll 2”!!!!
In this episode Jaclyn and Gillian try to guess who is the true hit man in Sicario, watch a real-life Ratatouille in Burnt, feel feels in About Ray and decide what we like least about Victor Frankenstein. Also we have a minor fight. Referenced in the title. Please chime in. Read more…
This week Anthony Lewis, Aaron De La Ossa, and Glenn Boisvert talk about Bill Murray in Ghostbusters, reboots for Mortal Kombat and Nightmare On Elm Street, the trailer for Hateful Eight, TONS of news from D23 plus Box Office, upcoming films, and we pick the next film to watch for our Read more…
The gang at Cinema Geekly scientifically decide once and for all what the greatest film in a franchise is, what a Directors greatest film is, and what an actors greatest role is via methods that are not up for debate and will stand the test of time as the infallible Read more…
This week Aaron De La Ossa and Glenn Boisvert talk about Marvel coming to FOX television, Kong: Skull Island, Deadpool trailer plus Box Office (with a twist), upcoming films, and we pick the next film to watch for our Parts Unknown series!!!
Glenn talks to Ryan about how he got into acting, how he continues to pursue that, and being a Wedding DJ in LA.
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Glenn Boisvert, Aurora Bubbaloo, and Aaron De La Ossa review the 1988 Horror Film “Sleep Away Camp II: Unhappy Campers” starring Brian Patrick Clarke, Renée Estevez, and Pamela Springsteen.
This week Anthony Lewis, Aaron De La Ossa, Ben Knight, and Glenn Boisvert talk about the trailer for Spectre, news on Doctor Who and various MCU properties. Anthony also talks his views on Ant-Man plus Box Office, upcoming films, and we pick the next film to watch for our Parts Unknown Read more…
Glenn is joined by his only ever video game talking friend Tye to discuss E3 2015 with 100% less burps and plenty of Nintendo talk!