From Parts Unknown #5 – Brawler (2011)
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Anthony Lewis, Aaron De La Ossa, and Glenn Boisvert review the 2011 action films “Brawler” starring Nathan Grubbs, Marc Senter, and Pell James.
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Anthony Lewis, Aaron De La Ossa, and Glenn Boisvert review the 2011 action films “Brawler” starring Nathan Grubbs, Marc Senter, and Pell James.
This week Anthony Lewis and Glenn Boisvert discuss the Season 1 Episode 15 of The Flash (Out Of Time) and Season 3 Episode 16 of Arrow (The Offer) and as usual talk about where the shows are heading and how they might collide with each other.
In this episode Anthony is probably way to sick to be recording a podcast. Things are discussed…..of a gaming nature…. Honestly I don’t remember what we talked about anymore. What I do know is that you can literally hear the excitement and energy drain from my body as the show Read more…
This week in a CG Sub-Episode Aaron De La Ossa and Glenn Boisvert very half assedly discuss this weeks Parts Unknown subject “Pretty Ugly People”. Plus they talk about the news of the week, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Box Office News, and Select the next Parts Unknown film.
This week Anthony Lewis, and Aaron De La Ossa discuss the latest episodes of Agent Carter called “Snafu” and “Valediction” we talk about what we liked an didn’t like and of course give the show our personal 1 out of 5!
This week Anthony Lewis and Glenn Boisvert sit down to talk season 1 episode 6 of AMC’s Better Call Saul entitled “Five-O” we break the episodes down and talk about what we loved and what we didn’t plus where we think the show will be headed going forward!
This week Aaron De La Ossa and Glenn Boisvert talk about the 3rd trailer for Age of Ultron, going neck deep in to TONS more Marvel talk, and the male friendly version of Ghostbusters? Plus Box Office results, upcoming films, and we pick the next film for Parts Unknown!
On this episode of “From Parts Unknown” Aaron De La Ossa and Glenn Boisvert review the 2010 documentary film “Life 2.0”.
This week we introduce you to the newest member of the Cinema Geekly family…Aurora Bubbaloo! Get to know the newest member of the staff as we talk about how we got into gaming, Aurora starting Ladies Geeking Out, doing panels at conventions, why its so hard for people to grasp Read more…